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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Earthworm Jim

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Game Name : Earthworm Jim
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2005-05-06 06:56:48
Views : 24703

Cheat mode
Pause game play, then slowly enter one the following codes at the game screen to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: The game may crash if too many cheats are enabled.

North America - Effect

itsawonderful or gimmejim - Extra life
hatman - Stick figure mode
can o worms - Extra continue
onandonandon - Maximum continues
popquizhotshot - 1000 bullets
noble - Full energy
you are sod - Invincibility
do not go there - View ending sequence
justwhatyouseepal M- aximum plasma gun
threemileisland - Maximum life and energy
slaugtherhouse - Access first five levels
romario - Access first 11 levels
coolgameshiny - Access all levels
getthecheesetosickbay - Access all levels
pulsating - Appear as Groucho Marx
festering - Appear with red afro
bloated - Appear with black afro
pusfilled - Appear with antennae
sweaty - Appear with big lips
malformed - Appear with huge glasses
slugforabut - Appear with arrow in head
framerate - Display frame rate
iddqd - Display development team
idkfa - Displays testing team
ripley - Level skip
trust no one - Suicide
say cheese - Screen shot1
apollo13 - Homing missile
beammeup - Displays screen coordinates
upupandaway - Press [Ctrl] for free movement; press E to disable
trentganino - Toggle God mode
bangersnmash - Toggle God mode
leroybrown - Enable level 2 if playing level 1
lv426 - Enable level 3 if playing level 2
feklhr - Enable level 4 if playing level 3
joshua - Enable level 5 if playing level 4
dagobah - Enable level 6 if playing level 5
titanic -Enable level 7 if playing level 6
olympic - Enable level 8 if playing level 7
yavin -Enable level 9 if playing level 8
booger - Enable level 10 if playing level 9
phlegm -Enable level 11 if playing level 10
kleenex - Enable level 12 if playing level 11
partridgeplace - Enable level 13 if playing level 12
gottaloveamonkey - Enable level 14 if playing level 13
locutus - Enable level 15 if playing level 14
mansbestfriend - Enable level 16 if playing level 15
botanybay - Enable level 17 if playing level 16
innerspace - Enable level 18 if playing level 17
squanto - Enable level 19 if playing level 18
harry Unknown
Password Level
Kettle, Faucet, Cow, Faucet, Cow, Faucet - What the Heck
Paint, Faucet, TV, Faucet, Cone, TV - Down the Tubes
Cone, Kettle, Cone, Cow, Cow, Kettle - Pod races
Cow, Kettle, TV, Cow, Kettle, Paint - Snot a Problem
TV, TV, Cow, Can, Cow, Hammer - Level 5
Kettle, Paint, Can, Faucet, Paint, Faucet - Darkness
Cow, TV, Kettle, Cow, Kettle, Paint - Peter Puppy
Can, TV, TV, Kettle, Cone, Cow - Buttville
Cone, Faucet, Cow, Cow, Cow, TV - Andy Asteroids

Ending sequences
Successfully complete the game under the easy difficulty setting to view a long text about worms. Successfully complete the game under the normal or difficult setting to display an animation in which Jim meets Princess. After the credits complete, another animation will play.

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